Looking for deeply affordable and supportive housing is a challenge that many people with diverse abilities face. To address this, several requests have been put forward to all levels of government. These requests aim to improve the availability and affordability of housing for people with diverse abilities.
Targeted Investment

Federal investments through co-investment fund reflect updated costs as inflation, financing and other market forces add costs particularly for the deeply affordable supportive housing development.
Establish a dedicated pathway for deeply affordable and supportive housing like ICC, that will generate secondary benefits to the community including reduced health costs, and related social and policing supports.

Provincial investment in housing for people with diverse abilities by earmarking 10% of the National Housing Strategy funding to this critical need and requiring municipalities to commit accordingly.

Partner with local agencies serving people with diverse abilities to quickly build more housing.
Establish an equitable assignment of land, funds, and resources for affordable, accessible and supportive housing for people with diverse abilities.
Ensure favorable zoning to allow for more inclusive communities providing affordable, accessible, and supportive housing.